What's happening?

There’s always a lot happening on the coast. Below, we’ve selected some events in our area that are worth checking out.

Chat with the winemaker

Every Friday till the end of Semptember!
Wine tasting with chosen winemakers


Portorož 1905

14.9.2024 (17.00-24.00)
A cultural and gastronomic walk through the history of Portorož

Piran Music Stage: Raiven

27.9.2024 (19.30)
Concert by Slovenia’s representative for Eurovision 2024

Dejan Hribar: On the Third Path

22.8.2024 – 27.10.2024 (9.30-13.00 in 16.00-20.00)
Exhibition of Wooden Artworks

Niko Sladič’s Exhibition “Breakwater”

5.9.2024 – 31.10.2024
Photography exibition at Sečovlje salina

Classic Moto Race Festival

Festival of oltimer motorcycles

Teo Collori & Momento Cigano feat. Custódio Castelo & Ana Paula Martins

22.8.2024 – 27.10.2024 (9.30-13.00 in 16.00-20.00)
Concert: Mediterranean meets Adriatic

For more events visit: HERE